With our first baby on the way I absolutely had no clue what I needed but thanks to all my friends and friends on social for helping me with a great list! So I want to share my baby registry checklist for any new moms struggling to find the items to put into their registry.
I know the feeling of getting overwhelmed, there are just way too many options and so much stuff new moms and the new baby will need. I also live in New York, so space is limited. I’ve narrowed down a lot of products to save space and below is a list by category with my top picks on my baby registry checklist below.
First, you will need to sign up for a baby registry! I first signed up with Babylist which is great because you can add any product from any website to your registry. I ordered the Snoo with a 15% discount through Babylist.
Guests can purchase specific items directly through the website of the brand, I’m not sure how it works if they want to order multiple items from different websites but I imagine they will need to do multiple orders if the products are not specifically sold on Babylist. Guests will also need to make sure to go back to the registry to mark that it was purchased.
I also signed up for Amazon’s Baby Registry I noticed Amazon already had a large selection of items I wanted so it made the most sense to go with Amazon. Anything I could not find on Amazon I added to Babylist. Amazon is also much easier for my friends and family since everyone already has an account and they can select multiple items in an order. Amazon automatically will mark the items as purchased and you will get a 15% discount if you’re a Prime Member. You can find most of the baby products on my Amazon Storefront here too.
Both baby registries break each product out into categories which makes it super easy for moms to see everything on their checklist by category. Most of the larger items or things I wanted I ordered on my own and had a lot of smaller items in my registry.
I also ended up signing up with Pottery Barn Kids Baby Registry as well after partnering with them and what I love about it is the 20% discount! It does not apply to most gears but it’s a great discount for small items, some furniture, and decor pieces. You can sign up and learn about all their benefits here.
Nuna Pipa Car Seat with either the Nuna Mixx Next Stroller or the Uppababy Vista V2 Stroller has been the top recommendation. The new Nuna Pipa URBN is great for parents living in the city because it can be used with or without a base so it’s easy to hop into a Uber or Taxi. It’s also one of the lightest car seats on the market! The Uppababy stroller is a great option as it has a lot of storage space and is great for anyone who plans to have a second child. You will just need an adapter to use this combination. I ended up with the matching car seat and Nuna Mixx Next Stroller and the Nuna TRVL Stroller.
Since living in New York, I had a lot of moms recommending the Doona Stroller since it’s a car seat that turns into a stroller! Perfect for traveling too.
Another great option is Cybex Cloud Q & Cybex E Priam Stroller. Cybex is a European company and is rated as one of the safest car seats for infants. I was gifted the E Priam Stroller with the carrycot and LOVE it! It’s super lightweight and easy to maneuver, it also looks gorgeous!
For baby number two we were also gifted the Maxi Cosi Tana 360 Modular Stroller & Carriage. This is the only stroller on the market that rotates 360 which I absolutely love! It is so convenient to switch positions of the seat, bassinet, and car seat. The Kindred Collection also comes with the Peri 180 Rotating Car Seat.
Snoo bassinet has been highly rated as it has a motion sensor to rock the baby. I ordered the Snoo which also has an option to rent. It’s quite pricey given that you will only need it for 6 months so the renting option is great. We started using this with Asher and he did not love the rocking motion. However, our second baby absolutely loves it. Every baby is different. I also added a Moses Basket because they’re so cute and you can easily carry them around the house in it.
For our second baby we also started using the Maxi Cosi Sibia Smart Bassinet. We have this in our livingroom for his day time naps and love it. I love that the smart assist has a white noise machine and can also detect babies cries and what they may need. It’s also a gorgeous bassinet and can easily be taken apart to travel with.
Babyletto Scoot Crib is what I currently have. I love the white and natural color and it also has a matching changing dresser which we use in our current bedroom. In the nursery, I have the Palma Dresser and love it! It holds so much stuff.
Newton Mattress is a safe and breathable mattress which is the reason why I opted for this mattress. Make sure to add their breathable organic sheets too.
Babyletto Kiwi Glider is what I ordered and it also has a USB port for easy access to charging my electronics!
I love this side table from Pottery Barn Kids.
Storage for baby toys, I love this Giraffe Wicker Basket.
There are a few great options for baby monitors such as the Nanit, and Owlet. We went with the Nanit since it has the best video quality, it has a built-in sound machine and is easy to travel with. If you’re looking for a baby monitor that does not require WiFi if you’re worried about hackers, I suggest getting the Infant Optics. I also recommend getting the Owlet Dream Sock for peace of mind.
Hatch Rest & Sound Machine was highly recommended. The newborn will love the sound machine to help them sleep. The Nanit and the Snoo also has a built-in sound machine.
I recommend using the Dyson Purifier + Humidifier, or Blueair purifiers. I have both. The Blue Pure 311 Auto was gifted to us and I have a 15% discount code: “CHRISTINE15“.
Peanut Changing Pad was highly recommended and what we use every day. I also this waterproof changing pad liner so the pad is not cold and for easy cleaning. This changing basket is also super cute but they will outgrow it fast. I do love it for taking photos with. A portable changing pad from Gathre is great for on-the-go diaper changes too.
Diaper bags are essential, I have the Luli Bebe diaper backpack. It also comes with a changing pad.
Changing Table Storage or this Diaper Caddy to help organize the baby diapers, creams, etc. I also love this one thats also easy to carry around the home.
Baby Wipes and Diapers. We also love Coterie, Millie Moon, and Huggies diapers and wipes. As well as Water Wipes!
Ubbi Diaper Pail and Ubbi bags is what I used with Asher and recently upgraded to the Simple Human Diaper Can which has a step and odorpods!
Diaper cream applicator. We also love just using a large tub of Aquaphor.
Baby carriers are important. I suggest looking into Solly Baby Wrap, Baby Bjorn, and Ergobaby, and Nuna carrier for the best baby support.
Babybjorn Bouncer and 4Moms mamaRoo baby swing are what I have. I love both, the Babybjorn one is simple and can be moved around. The Mamaroo needs to be plugged in and Asher loves it once he can focus on the toys. However, this item is not necessary. If I had to pick one, the Babybjorn Bouncer is best.
Snuggle Me Organic Infant Lounger for the baby to lounge around.
Loveevery The Play Gym is highly rated by moms and I can see why! They also offer a subscription, a stage-based play gym for your baby’s developing brain, with lots of tummy time! The first kit is for 0-12 weeks and offers the perfect toys so parents do not have to think about what to buy next.
Spectra 1 breast pump is what I went with. This is through my insurance so I don’t have this on my registry. I got it through Adapt Health. Don’t forget to add Breastmilk Storage Bags.
Hakka manual silicone breast pump if you’re breastfeeding.
Nursing Bras from Hatch or Simple Wishes for hands-free pumping. Hatch is one of my favorite maternity brands, they have a great selection of everyday clothes and the best belly oil.
Philips Avent Baby Bottle gift set and Philips Avent Anti-Colic bottles. Every baby is different so you may want to try a few different bottles to see what he/she takes.
Wabi Sterilizer and Dryer for baby items. I wasn’t sure I needed this but it’s a lifesaver! It’s pretty big so it holds a lot of items and it sanitizes and dries within 30 minutes! Bottle brush and bottle dryer if you plan to wash bottles by hand. For baby number two we ended up using the Momcozy bottle washer, sterilizer, and dryer! I recommend it! We barely wash any bottles now. You will also need these detergent tabs.
Baby Brezza Formula Dispenser Machine if you plan on using formula. I plan to do both! This is probably also not necessary but super convenient.
Baby’s Brew Portable Bottle Warmer for easy on the go and travel. It’s cordless and battery-operated. Not necessary, but some babies prefer warm milk.
Burb Cloths and lots of them. Trust me, you will be using a lot of these. I love these bibs too because they’re thick.
Mushie Pacifier and Clip Holder. The Philip Avent Pacifiers are preferred since it’s easier to clean.
My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow is what my doula also recommended! She mentioned the Bobby Pillows aren’t as good but I did get a lot of recommendations from other moms on this one.
Vitamin D supplement by Zarbee’s if you’re exclusively breastfeeding the baby.
4Moms tub with a thermometer and a drain to keep only clean water. We liked this one since it’s a sink tub. The Angelcare bathtub is great too but it’s used in the bathtub so your back may hurt when bathing baby. Can also be used in the kitchen sink if your sink is big enough. We also have many Lalo products and they have a great bath set.
Tubby Todd has amazing products for the baby and mom! The all-over ointment works wonders from what I’ve been told! The Aquaphor welcome kit is great too!
Acrylic Storage for all the baby bath products. This can be useful for diapers as well.
Make sure to get the baby essentials like safety swabs, a nail trimmer, and a cute baby hooded towel.
Baby Nasal Aspirator from Frida Baby and great to travel with. For baby number two we recently purchased NozeBot as we heard it works amazing.
Baby clothes and swaddles! I love Solly Baby, Kyte Baby, and Saint Haven! The fabrics are all similar and super soft! Goumi is also great, I love the zippered onesies as it is a bit on the thicker side for winter. Goumi Mittens, Booties, and socks! Use code TOURDELUST for a discount with Goumi.
Mushie is on my baby registry too because they have the cutest blankets/swaddles and pacifiers!
Velcro swaddled from Kyte Baby is my favorite, SwaddleMe, Halo sleepsacks, and Kyte Baby Sleep Bag for when he/she is out of swaddles.
Any type of clean & clear laundry detergent! We use the All Free Clear detergent which works for the baby and adults. I also had recommendations to wash the baby’s clothes with adults since they will be in close contact with us.
Shop my Amazon Storefront here with a list of my most used baby items.
Once you have your baby registry complete, you may want to start thinking about what you will need in your hospital bag and I have a checklist of what I’m packing in my blog post here.
I’m sure there is so much more I need and as I learn about more things I will continue to add to this list! If you’re a mom and have any other suggestions please share them with me in the comments. Thank you so much!

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